Connecting with you in healing and change.

Our services



Recognizing the need or desire to change can be a difficult space to be in and in psychotherapy, you do not have to be alone. Whether you are seeking support due to a mental health disorder, substance use disorder, trauma, or other reasons, psychotherapy offers you space to process and work through these. Psychotherapy sessions include talk therapy as well as somatic and EMDR. Currently being offered via Telehealth through a HIPPA compliant platform.

60 minute individual session |  $200


EMDR with Equine Assistance (EC-EMDR)

EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) has been a proven modality in the treatment of trauma as well as other mental health disorders. EC-EMDR offers dual awareness and connection in reprocessing memories. The movement of the horse provides bilateral stimulation to work through and process past experiences that may be linked to limitations in the present.

60 minute |  $275

Family Therapy

The purpose of family therapy is to change the way the family functions day to day. Sometimes problems are due to the way the family members interact with one another and therapy assists in changing these patterns. Family therapy focuses on changing the structure to one that is healthier and more functional. Equine Assisted family therapy is designed to work on the family system to help each member of the family heal and grow.

60 minute | $275


We are currently in network with Dean Health Insurance.

We will work with you insurance company to determine in-network benefits, however, you are still responsible to check your benefits coverage prior to first appointment. We accept private pay as well.

In order to streamline the theraputic process Healing in Rhythm requires all clients to keep a credit card on file, and complete a consent form prior to therapy. This card is stored in our secure HIPPAA compliant electronic health record system, Simple Practice. Your card will be charged for any copay, deductibles, or missed appointments within 24hrs following your appointment. Our appointment cancelation deadline is 24hrs prior to your appointment.



Trauma Focused Psychotherapy with Equine Assistance (TF-EAP)

Psychotherapy with Equine Assistance offers the opportunity to experience healing through working with horses. Sessions are based on the principles of Natural Lifemanship and include a mental health professional, equine professional, and equine team members. TF-EAP includes ground and mounted work based on the needs and goals of each client. TF-EAP offers healing through bottom up brain development and healing working to strengthen the integration of all regions of the brain. Sessions are a minimum of 60 minutes though other options are available including 3 hour and 6 hour sessions. Also available are family and couple sessions.

60 minute individual session |  $275 


Learning with Equine Assistance (TI-EAL)

Engaging with horses provides opportunity to learn about ourselves and safe space to empower and improve ourselves as well as take care of ourselves. EAL sessions are currently being offered in group settings and can include team building.

Rates Vary



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