Healing Through Connection.

Our Team


Laura Mengar (MSW, LCSW, CSAC)

Laura Mengar is a mental health and substance use disorder therapist who has over 10 years of experience. Laura engages with clients in using various treatment modalities including CBT, DBT, mindfulness, Family Systems, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) as well as others. Laura has training and experience in working with trauma, adoption, and Autism through the Autism Society of Greater Wisconsin. Laura has served as a member of the Zero Suicide Initiative in Madison, WI, and continues to be an advocate for community awareness and understanding of mental health and substance use disorders.

Laura has over 25 years of experience with horses and is trained in TF EAP with Natural Lifemanship, including Equine Connected EMDR.


Katie Lund (equine professional)

Katie Lund is an Equine Professional for Healing in Rhythm. Katie is a Level 4 graduate from the Parelli Program, she has 15+ years of experience in Natural Horsemanship through her childhood and beyond. In the last 2 years she has been able to combine her love of horses with helping people heal. She is currently in the process of being certified in TF-EAP through Natural Lifemanship. In addition to these things Katie enjoys spending time with her dog Charlie, hiking and anything outdoors, along with riding her personal horse Candy (pictured)


Equine Team Member Candy

Candy is Katie’s personal horse!

Fun Fact: Candy loves butt scratches!

Equine Team Member Tippy

Tippy is Laura’s personal horse!

Fun Fact: Tippy loves to come greet people at the gate!

Equine Team Member Bubba

Bubba is Laura’s Horse!

Fun Fact: Bubba loves to play with his herd mates!

Equine Team Member Hershey

Hershey is Laura’s horse!

Fun Fact: Hershey is Tippy’s daughter!

Equine Team Member Bella

Bella is Laura’s horse!

Fun Fact: Bella is Hershey’s best friend!


Chilly is Laura’s horse!

In addition, she is Tippy’s granddaughter and Hershey’s daughter.

Begin Healing Today.