
When we think about animals in the wild, horses due to being prey animals have a high sense of knowing if we are congruent ( our insides match our outsides). Imagine a lion, who stalks their prey. They look really “ quiet” and “ok” on the outside as they creep up on an animal to pounce. Most herds of animals including horses will have a radar for this! They are extra sensitive because their life depends on it. However you will see moments of predator and prey animals drinking at the same water source. The prey animals only feel comfortable because the predators are congruent ( inside intention matches the outward intention). 

This makes horses an amazing therapy animal because if someone comes in to interact who’s nervous on the inside but tries to seem “ok” on the outside. This will not feel safe for a horse to connect with. But if this same person comes in appearing nervous on the outside ( to match the inside) they are congruent and the horse will feel safe to connect. 

This creates such a space where clients are invited to be congruent and experience connection!


Offering Choice


Herd Relationships